A genuine, personal relationship with God and the response of worship and service are ultimate goals of the catechetical program.
Liturgical prayer is an expected outcome of the guidance and catechetical instruction provided.
Opportunities for learning doctrine and developing a grasp of the scope and meaning of the “Good News” of salvation are at the core of the program. Scripture study selections appropriate for all ages of understanding are included in the curriculum. Catholic Christian belief expresses itself in service to God and to others within the community.
This service includes the ability to make moral decisions that are right and just, to control personal behavior by faith principles, to show concern for the welfare of others, and to take personal responsibility according to one’s vocation for the continuing mission of the Church in the salvation of all.
A vitalized mathematics curriculum is problem centered, and uses content that develops students’ conceptual understanding of mathematics, appreciation for its applications, ability to communicate mathematically, and proficiency in computational skills.
School Program – Curriculum – Mathematics K – 2
School Program – Curriculum – Mathematics 3 – 5
School Program – Curriculum – Mathematics 6 – 8
The study of language arts is the study of the processes of communication. These processes are related in classroom activities, which strike a balance between receptive activities (listening and reading) and expressive activities (speaking, writing, and other creative forms of expression).
The comprehensive goals of the language arts program are:
The science curriculum focuses on an inquiry-based process and fosters collaborative learning. Science education strengthens life skills, such as creative problem solving, critical thinking, team cooperation, use of technology, and the value of life-long learning.
Our middle school science lab is equipped with:
Each week, students have Maker Space Days in which they can experiment with their equipment of choice.
4th & 5th graders participate in our Science Extravaganza science fair.
6th graders participate in Future Cities and Invention Convention.
7th & 8th graders participate in the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS).
In the Catholic School, Social Studies provides many opportunities for teachers to help students understand, appreciate, and learn how to live Christian social values.
The Social Studies curriculum begins in kindergarten with an introduction to community helpers. It progresses in the primary grades to the study of family and friends, and later encompasses a more in-depth study of the community. Beginning in fourth grade, the curriculum focuses on the study of the United States land regions and Pennsylvania history. At the fifth grade level, both United States history through the Civil War and a study of the United States geographical regions are studied. Sixth grade students study World Cultures and World Geography with an emphasis on the countries of the Eastern Hemisphere. Seventh grade studies United States history to the Reconstruction and eighth grade studies United States history beginning with the Reconstruction to the modern day. Map and geography skills are taught at all levels. Social Studies prepares students for the future by instilling the importance of a value-oriented life perspective.
The health and physical education program of Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Academy allows the students to use their own ability to achieve success. The program assists students to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Building on strengths and allowing for the individual student to achieve certain personal goals improves one’s self image.
Students learn to follow rules and respect the rights of others through games and physical activity. Learning to constructively channel energies can help a student to perform well in life.
Our physical education program, due to the individual and communal aspects, provides an environment whereby individuals can develop skills, habits, and attitudes that will give them the opportunity for greater success in their lives.
We view technology as a way to foster communication, analysis, research and understanding. The computer curriculum encompasses concept formation and processes expressed in behavioral objectives. Each level of the curriculum has a comprehensive hands-on approach to student learning. The various levels are sequential, activity-oriented and correlated with the National Educational Technology Standards and the Pennsylvania State Standards.
By design, each lesson builds upon the technology skills, the learning objectives, and the content knowledge taught in preceding levels. The sequential implementation of the curriculum provides the students enough opportunities to practice, and over time, to achieve mastery of the skills in all ten technologies areas.
Instruction in the arts contributes to the development of the whole person; promotes individual expression; allows experimentation with diverse materials and elements; enables exploration and appreciation of the works of other students and major artists; develops an awareness and sensitivity toward the environment; and finally promotes a deeper understanding of heritage and culture.
The fine arts curriculum provides a holistic approach to education, which incorporates many aspects of the core curriculum and can be integrated into the total educational experience.
Through music, art, and the movement experiences, values and needs of individuals are revealed and savored.